Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A reason to celebrate...

Last night, I had my first official family shoot. (Who, me??)

And, who better as my "test subjects" than dear friends who were willing to indulge me and forgive my fumbling.

Regardless of their kindness, I was still scared to death. I left my house an hour early, walked around the park where we were going to shoot, made a shot list, cleaned my lenses for 10 minutes, and then circled around their house for another 15 . . . .

Fortunately, as soon as I pulled up, I remembered, "Oh yeah, these are my friends!"

So, we just had fun!!

What amazing people. (Of course, I've know that for a long time!) When you are around them, the love is palpable. Really. They are the definition of the the word "family." And they were so kind to me, as I tried my best imitation of a photographer.

It was a great evening, and I can't thank them enough!!
(click on pictures to enlarge).

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