Friday, November 12, 2010

First, last and finally...

Daily Practice Tuesday:
If you read my blog, you need to know something about me. It will impact what you see and read over the next six weeks....

Hello Martha!!

The December issue of Martha Stewart Living arrived in my mailbox today, looking all festive in sequins and tinsel. For me, Martha marks the official start of my holiday season. I am powerless to resist her cookie recipes and the two dozen uses for a string of holiday lights and instructions for 16 unique and thoughtful gifts you can make out of pipe cleaners and a single tube of glitter glue. (Martha is way into glitter!) So, the magazine is my first sign. My "go-ahead." Martha says, "Celebrate." And I'm all over it.

I'm a shameless, over-the-top, holiday freak. I absolutely love this time of the year. Love it.

Of course, I blame it all on my mom. When I was a kid, she made holidays the best. Obviously I want to do the same for my family. (And come to think of it, we made lots of glitter projects growing up, which probably explains my whole Martha thing....)

So....My holiday shopping is basically done. (I started back in August). I'm counting the days until I can put Love Actually in the DVD player and start wrapping presents after the kids have gone to bed. I can't wait to spend December going to holiday parades and concerts and plays. And baking with the kids. Baking! I'm checking the radio stations daily to hear if they are playing Christmas music yet. And I really want it to snow. Like now. (I love lying in bed at night and hearing the flakes hit the window. And it sounds like I might get my wish this weekend...)

But, besides all of those things, I mostly love the season because it is filled with tradition and joy and warmth. I know for some, this is a crazy-busy time. Rushing to get everything done. But for me, it is a time to do the opposite. To slow down and enjoy the season with my family. Relax. (really.) Feel blessed. Be grateful and content and full (and not just because I ate too many cookies!)

So, bring on the holidays. (You can't say I didn't warn you!!)

Daily Practice Wednesday:
According to the weather report, this may be among the final days for playing in the leaves. I think Anna could feel the snow coming, so she took advantage of this last pile on Tami's front sidewalk.

Daily Practice Thursday:
After a year of waiting, and a week of wiggling, Henry's first tooth FINALLY fell out. The big event happened just before bed.

In Henry's words, "When I was flossing, I pushed and pushed a little harder, and it just came out. It got stuck on my flosser."

Holy cannolli. It was a tiny little tooth. A tooth that could be very hard for the tooth fairy to find in the dark, under a pillow, on the top bunk. So, we put it in a baggie with Henry's name on it and tucked it under his pillow.

Anyone know the tooth fairy's going rate?

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