Friday, November 26, 2010

Pushing the envelope...

On Thursday, Anna really really wanted a piece of pie right after Thanksgiving dinner. However dessert wasn't going to be served until a little later. (the adults had to let things 'settle' before round two).

To Anna, this was crazy. Unthinkable. Why wait?

And even worse, it seemed that Grandma was torturing her by leaving the pies out in the open on the counter. They were right there. Why not just eat them??? Now!!

They just smelled sooooooo good.....

Naughty takes on a new meaning this time of year, and Anna knew she was walking a very thin line....But for pumpkin pie, she figured it was worth taking the risk.

I understand completely....

(A public apology to my family: I'm really not sure who got the piece of pie that Anna had marked as her territory. But the bright side....she's over her cold!)

As usual, great pie, great dinner and great company. Thanks mom and dad for a wonderful evening!!

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