Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry, merry, merry...

I am grateful for all of the holiday energy and anticipation at our house today.

Thankfully, we're all ready for Christmas....

Gifts are wrapped.
Cards are mailed.
Food is prepped.
Clothes are set out for the next two days.
Final to-do lists are ready to check-off.
And excitement is at its peak.

Just before bed tonight, Henry warned me: "Mom, tomorrow I may just be a little bit crazy. Just so you know..."

My dear, I may be a little bit crazy right along with you. We all get to be kids at Christmas!


These pictures are from my own holiday photo shoot a month ago. Now that all my holiday cards are out, I figured I'd post a couple more shots. I'm usually not a big fan of posed photos, but considering that I typically only get candid shots of my kids, I thought I'd do something a little different. And luckily, they cooperated!

I particularly love that Henry was so willing to pose for me. I usually have the hardest time getting good shots of him.

Some of these shots melt my heart. My sweet little boy....

Happy holidays to everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of the posed shot either but these are adorable! Love Henry's outfit. Merry Christmas!

